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This Genosonics album is made from the musical sounds of the OMICRON variant of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). Major viral proteins are therapeutically targeted, including the Spike protein, the Nucleoprotein, the RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase, and the 3C-like Proteinase. Two mechanisms of action are possible with this Genosonics. One assists prevention of the disease, and the other offers complementary treatment.

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This Genosonics track is made from the musical sounds of the mRNA sequence of the BioNTech/Pfizer BNT-162b2 vaccine. We have engineered this sound to help reduce the side effects associated with the vaccine.

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This Genosonics track is made from the musical sounds of the mRNA sequence of the Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine. We have engineered this sound to help reduce the side effects associated with the vaccine.

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This Genosonics album is made from the musical sounds of the DELTA variant of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). Major viral proteins are therapeutically targeted, including the Spike protein, the Nucleoprotein, the RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase, ORF1ab polyprotein, and the 3C-like Proteinase. Two mechanisms of action are possible with this Genosonics. One assists prevention of the disease, and the other offers complementary treatment.

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This Genosonics album is made from the musical sounds of the GAMMA variant of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). Major viral proteins are therapeutically targeted, including the Spike protein, the Nucleoprotein, the RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase, ORF1ab polyprotein, and the 3C-like Proteinase. Two mechanisms of action are possible with this Genosonics. One assists prevention of the disease, and the other offers complementary treatment.

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This Genosonics album is made from the musical sounds of the BETA variant of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). Major viral proteins are therapeutically targeted, including the Spike protein, the Nucleoprotein, the RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase, ORF1ab polyprotein, and the 3C-like Proteinase. Two mechanisms of action are possible with this Genosonics. One assists prevention of the disease, and the other offers complementary treatment.

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This Genosonics album is made from the musical sounds of the ALPHA variant of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). Major viral proteins are therapeutically targeted, including the Spike protein, the Nucleoprotein, the RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase, ORF1ab polyprotein, and the 3C-like Proteinase. Two mechanisms of action are possible with this Genosonics. One assists prevention of the disease, and the other offers complementary treatment.

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COVID-19 Genosonics is a complementary therapy for COVID-19. We scientifically tweaked the musical sounds of four important proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 virion to produce an inhibitory effect on the COVID virus. This Genosonics can also help to safely trigger an immune response to recognize and register the underlying proteomic patterns of the SARS-CoV-2 virion and appropriately deal with it in case of an eventual infection.

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The tracks of this Genosonic album are made from the musical sequence of genes associated with the Detoxification of the human body. We have engineered these sounds to up-regulate the expression of these target genes.

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The tracks of this Genosonic album are made from the musical sequence of genes associated with Type 1 Diabetes. We have engineered these sounds to therapeutically harmonize the expression of the target genes, thereby offering complementary treatment for Type 1 Diabetes.

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This Gene Music Therapy album is made from the musical sounds of genes/proteins affiliated with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT). Features the 3 most frequently altered genes in HHT. Complements HHT treatment by countering the adverse effects of mutation and upregulating gene expression.

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This Genosonics album is made from the musical sounds of genes/proteins affiliated with Low-Grade Glioma (LGG). It features the top 10 most frequently altered genes in LGG. Applying these sounds complements LGG treatment by countering the adverse effects of gene alterations and upregulating gene expression.

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The tracks of this Genosonic album are made from the musical sequence of genes associated with bronchial Asthma. We have engineered these sounds to therapeutically harmonize the expression of the target genes, thereby offering complementary treatment for Asthma.

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This Genosonics album is designed to produce a multi-purpose anti-viral effect. It aims at stimulating and up-regulating the function of eight potent anti-viral human genes. The combined effect of these genes offers the broadest spectrum of anti-viral activity known to science. This Genosonic album holds the ultimate natural weapon against many viral diseases.

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Influenza A Genosonics is a complementary therapy for Flu. We scientifically tweaked the musical sounds of eight proteins of the Influenza A virus to produce an inhibitory effect on the virus.

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In this album, eight elite genes affiliated with Deficiency Anemia are targeted for stimulation and up-regulation. Functions of the proteins coded by these genes include oxygen transport, iron transport, and absorption, iron homeostasis. These Genosonics tracks will help Anemia cases where tests have reported critically low levels of Ferritin, Transferrin Saturation, and Hemoglobin.

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Malaria Genosonics targes the inhibition of two major proteins of Plasmodium falciparum - the Circumsporozoite protein (PfCSP) and the Glutamic-acid-rich protein (PfGARD). Inhibiting these two proteins serves to stem the growth and spread of the parasite in the infected human body.

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The Genosonics playlist presented here features the musical sound of the top 20 most frequently mutated DNA repair genes in all combined cancers. Applying these musical sounds via headphones or a vibroacoustic device will help the DNA repair mechanism of the body. It will also complement cancer treatment by promoting optimal expression of the target gene/protein functions.​

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In this Genosonics album, we explore the link between genetics and longevity. The tracks of this album are made from the musical sounds of genes affiliated with longevity and anti-aging. The sounds are engineered to up-regulate the expression of these genes, offering the user a chance at slowing down the aging clock. Some of these genes also have anti-cancer effects.

Paid Members Access

​The Genosonics playlist presented here features the top 20 most frequently mutated DNA repair genes in lung cancer. Applying these musical sounds via headphones or a vibroacoustic device will complement lung cancer treatment by promoting optimal expression of the target gene/protein functions.​

Paid Members Access

​The Genosonics playlist presented here features the top 20 most frequently mutated DNA repair genes in all breast cancer. Applying these musical sounds via headphones or a vibroacoustic device will complement breast cancer treatment by promoting optimal expression of the target gene/protein functions.​

Paid Members Access

The Genosonics playlist presented here features the top 20 most frequently mutated DNA repair genes in colon (colorectal) cancer. Applying these musical sounds via headphones or a vibroacoustic device will complement colon cancer treatment by promoting optimal expression of the target gene/protein functions.​

Paid Members Access

The Genosonics playlist presented here features the top 20 most frequently mutated DNA repair genes in liver cancer. Applying these musical sounds via headphones or a vibroacoustic device will complement liver cancer treatment by promoting optimal expression of the target gene/protein functions.​

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​The Genosonics playlist presented here features the top 20 most frequently mutated DNA repair genes in skin cancer. Applying these musical sounds via headphones or a vibroacoustic device will complement skin cancer treatment by promoting optimal expression of the target gene/protein functions.​

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This Genosonics album is made from the musical sounds of genes/proteins affiliated with Polycythemia Vera (PV). It features the top 5 most frequently altered genes in PV and complements PV treatment by countering the adverse effects of mutation.

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This Gene Music Therapy album is made from the musical sounds of genes/proteins affiliated with Neuroblastoma. It features the top 10 most frequently altered genes in Neuroblastoma. Applying these musical sounds via headphones or a vibroacoustic device will complement Neuroblastoma treatment by down-regulating the over-expressed genes, up-regulating the repressed genes, and countering the adverse effects of mutation.

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​This Gene Music Therapy album is made from the musical sounds of genes/proteins affiliated with SHOX Deficiency. Applying each of these sounds via headphones or a vibroacoustic device will complement the up-regulation of the target gene expression, and make up for the deficiency. TP53, a DNA Repair Genosonics track, is also included in this album to help resolve DNA damages associated with SHOX.

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his Gene Music Therapy album is made from the musical sounds of the Borrelia burgdorferi genome (complete sequence). We have engineered this sound to produce a genome-wide inhibitory effect on the bacterium. Thereby serving as a complementary treatment for Lyme Disease, which is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi.

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This Genosonics track is made from the musical sequence of the COMT gene. We have engineered this sound to therapeutically enhance and harmonize the expression of the COMT gene.

diamine oxidase

This Genosonics track is made from the musical sequence of the Diamine Oxidase. We have engineered this sound to therapeutically enhance and harmonize the expression of DAO

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​EBV Genosonics is a complementary therapy for EBV-related diseases. We scientifically tweaked the musical sounds of 29 proteins of the Epstein-Barr virus to produce an inhibitory effect on the virus.

varicella zoster

This Genosonics album is a complementary therapy for diseases associated with Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV). Especially, Chickenpox and Shingles. We engineered the musical sounds of VZV proteins involved in viral replication to produce an inhibitory effect on the VZV virion. ​





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Genosonics 是音樂和聲音頻率的良藥,由埃德加凱西和阿爾伯特愛因斯坦預測。我們科學地調整基因和蛋白質的音樂聲音以產生治療效果。所以,你也可以稱之為基因音樂療法。

Genosonics 背後的技術源自基因組學、分子生物學、量子物理學和音樂學的現代科學。它是完全不同層面的補充醫學,我們迫不及待地等待您嘗試。

#Genosonics #ComplementaryMedicine #MusicMedicine #SoundMedicine #GeneMusicTherapy #GeneTherapy #MusicTherapy #SoundTherapy #SoundHealing



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